Visualization and Computer Graphics on Isotropically
Emissive Volumetric Displays (2010)
Benjamin Mora, Ross Maciejewski, Min Chen and David S. Ebert.
To appear in IEEE Transaction
on Visualization and Computer Graphics
Visualization and Computer Graphics on Isotropically Emissive
Volumetric Displays (2009) (Pre-Print version )
Benjamin Mora, Ross Maciejewski, Min Chen and David S. Ebert.
Transaction on Visualization and Computer Graphics, March-April 2009, Vol. 15.
No 2, pp. 221-234.
Row Tracing
using Hierarchical Occlusion Maps (2008)
Ravi Prakash Kammaje and Benjamin Mora.
In proceedings of IEEE
symposium on Interactive Ray-Tracing 2008, , pp. 27-34.
A Study of Restricted
BSP Trees for Ray Tracing (2007)
Ravi Prakash Kammaje and Benjamin Mora.
In proceedings of IEEE/EG
symposium on interactive ray-tracing 2007.
Volume illustration using wang cubes (2007)
Aidong Lu, David S. Ebert, Wei Qiao, Martin Kraus and Benjamin Mora
transaction on Graphics, Vol. 26, No 2, Article 11, June 2007.
Low Complexity Maximum Intensity Projection (2005)
(Pre-Print version
B. Mora and D. S. Ebert.
ACM transaction on Graphics,
Vol. 24, No 4, pp. 1392-1416.
Instant volumetric understanding with order-independent volume
rendering. (2004)
B. Mora and D. S. Ebert.
Computer Graphics Forum (Eurographics’04 Proceedings,
Interactive implicit modelling based on C1 reconstruction of regular
grids. (2002)
L. Barthe, B.
Mora, N.A. Dodgson and M.A. Sabin.
International Journal of Shape Modeling, 8(2), pp. 99-117, December
Extended version of our SMI'2002 paper, selected for publication in the
A new object-order ray-casting algorithm. (2002)
Benjamin Mora, Jean-Pierre Jessel and René Caubet.
IEEE Visualization 2002,
Triquadratic reconstruction for interactive modelling of potential
fields. (2002)
L. Barthe, B. Mora,
N.A. Dodgson and M.A. Sabin.
SMI'2002 Shape Modeling International,
Nouveaux algorithmes interactifs pour la visualisation de données
volumiques. (2001)
B. Mora.
PhD thesis, Paul Sabatier
Visualization of isosurfaces with parametric cubes. (2001)
Benjamin Mora, Jean-Pierre Jessel and René Caubet.
Graphics Forum (Eurographics’01 Proceedings, Manchester), vol. 20. No. 3, pp.
377-384, September 2001.
Accelerating volume rendering with quantized voxels. (2000)
Benjamin Mora, Jean-Pierre Jessel and René Caubet.
IEEE/ACM SIGGRAPH Volume visualization and graphics symposium 2000 (in
conjonction with IEEE visualization’00), October 2000,
A method for computer generated prostheses. (1999)
Benjamin Mora, Jean-Pierre Jessel and René Caubet.
of the European Medical & Biological Engineering Conference
(EMBEC’99), Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, Vol. 37
Sup. 2,
Volume Illustration Using Wang Cubes (
Aidong Lu, David S. Ebert, Wei Qiao, Martin Kraus, Benjamin Mora.